Request for approval to release machinery, duty refund/withdraw bank guarantee (after customs clearance)
1. Company prepares the information for approval related to the release of the machine with duty refund/withdraw bank guarantee for machinery /duty refund (return from repair) via eMT Online (1 request/invoice)
1.1 Invoice must include the following information;
- Invoice No.
- Invoice Date
- Name list of machine /spec/amount/unit
- Import value/currency
1.2 Import date (within the permitted period)
1.3 Import Custom Office (customs office of destination for the release of goods)
1.4 Import Country
1.5 Foreign Exchange Rates (1 foreign currency unit = Thai Baht value)
1.6 List of order in invoice / List of order in import declaration form
1.7 Import declaration document (14 digits in case of machinery release with duty refund)
Submit request to the system when information is completely prepared.
1. IC officer receives request in queue order and
- print out request of approval document to release machinery with duty refund or
- print out request of approval document to withdraw bank guarantee (in case of withdrawal of guarantee not making payment in full, a document for collecting additional duty will be printed out) or
- print out request of approval document for duty refund (re-import after repair)
IC officer print out the document for BOI officer to consider.
2. BOI officer signed approval.
3. IC officer attaches approved document in (.PDF) file and send to the company via eMT system and sent electronic information (XML) to the Customs Department respectively.
4. IC officer send the original approved document to the company for duty refund/withdraw bank guarantee/duty refund (re-import after repair) at the Customs Department.
Process Flow Chart
Approval process to release machinery, duty refund/withdraw bank guarantee (after customs clearance)
1. Company prepares information related to approval request to release machinery with duty refund/withdraw bank guarantee and fill in all required information via eMT Online.
2. BOI officer (1 level) considers the request and signed approval.
3. IC officer attaches the approved document in (.PDF) file/notify approval status via eMT Online.
4. The user receives the original approved document at IC.
5. The user uses original approval document for duty refund/withdraw machine guarantee at the Customs Department.