- machinery parts
- equipment, tools, appliances and prefabricated factory frame
- molds, mold parts, gripping equipment
- list of export machinery for repair and re-import
Type of master list of machinery
- General master list of machinery refers to the list of machinery necessary for production, such as machinery used for promoted project, equipment, tools, measurement tools, inspection equipment, appliances, prefabricated factory frames, etc.
General master list of machinery includes;
1.1 Primary name refers to the name of the machinery in general master list
1.2 Secondary name refers to the name of the machinery in the general master list that appears on the customs declaration form.
- List of spare parts refers to the list of spare parts of general machinery including component parts and accessories.
- List of molds refers to the list of molds or equipment that can be equivalent to molds and mounting equipment, including mold parts and mounting equipment.
Important Information
- User should know what the company's manufacturing process is.
- User should know their factory’s plant layout (if any)
- Certificate of efficiency is required for importing used machinery.
- User should know that the machinery is in the list that can be manufactured or assembled in Thailand or not
- User must apply for the service and training with the Investors Club Association before using eMT Online system.
2. The company prepares general master list of machinery and create relationship link with the production process. Capacity information must be specified for the primary machinery.
- Machinery efficiency certification must be prepared for used machines and its must be inform how capacity is calculated. For further information, please go to http://www.ifia-federation.org/
- For the list of machinery that can be manufactured or assembled in Thailand (Negative list), additional specification information must be attached in the system.
3. The company fill in all relevant information via eMT system and submit request to the system.
4. The approval process of master list of machinery will consider in 3 levels as follows; 1. officer level 2. supervisor level and 3. director level. The request will first send to officer level to approve or disapprove the request in queue order.
4.1 For incorrect information such as the name list not convinced to the machinery list (specified as spare parts or mold parts), or the relationship link with the production process is specified incorrectly, or incorrect user details, or incorrect method of capacity calculating, etc. The officer
will return the request to user to change its information and resubmit the request according to the time frame specified by the officer.
4.2 If all information is corrected, the request will send to the supervisor for further consideration.
4.3 The supervisor will consider the result of the consideration in two separate cases.
4.3.1 If the request is approved, it will proceed to the director level.
4.3.2 If the request is disapproved, it will return to the officer level to reconsider.
4.3.3 The director level approved the request.
5. The company received result notification via eMT Online system for requesting approval to release the machinery.
Process Flow Chart